Find your Webchoice code - this will have been emailed to students when the site is open. Do not use last year's code, it will not work.
Go to the site and enter your choices and reserves.
Submit. Please remember that you can re-enter your choices up until the closing date.
The program looks at class popularity and staffing availability, there is no 'first in first served' in this process. Year 10's will get priority for classes in the 9/10 program.
Wait to be given your subjects. If you are happy with your subjects, sign the form with your parent/guardian and return it to the office.
If you missed out on subjects and don't like the reserve / don't have a reserve allocated, you need to undertake course counselling.
Course Counselling details will be posted on Compass, Year 10 students will be counselled in your Pathways class.
Please be prepared for the fact that you will most likely not get every subject you choose.