Bus Network
The Hamilton Schools Bus Network consists of 20 country bus routes, shuttles to and from the Baimbridge College Interchange serving the other Hamilton government schools and private Hamilton schools as well as several town routes to serve students living in Hamilton.
Baimbridge College is served by each of the country buses and one town service.
Bus application is performed online at: https://studenttravelassistance.educationapps.vic.gov.au
Transport on Department of Education country buses is free to the nearest appropriate school. Fares for travel to a school which is not the nearest are charged on a distance basis and are payable per term in advance to PTV. Google Maps is used to ascertain the closest school and fares payable. You can access the FIND MY SCHOOL website to see if Baimbridge College is your closest Government School.
Buses serving town students charge on a user pays basis per trip direct to the driver. Weekly tickets are available.
Country Buses serve the following areas: Coleraine, Konongwootong, Melville Forest, Cavendish, Mooralla, Victoria Valley/Mirranatwa (Strathkellar Rd), Dunkeld, Glenthompson, Woodhouse (Chatsworth Rd, Caramut, Penshurst/Gazette), Macarthur (Mt Napier Rd and Port Fairy Rd), Wallacedale, Condah, Branxholme, Digby and Merino.