2025 VETDSS Course Enrolments
- Students MUST inform their school co-ordinators of their VET course preference as per their school course selection process – Aug/Sept
- Application for enrolment forms to be completed as per below details (either online or paper based depending on the chosen program)
- Students will undergo a short interview process scheduled via their school co-ordinator – Sept/Oct
- Students will receive a letter of offer from the HDSC – Early November
- Students are to accept/decline their placement of offer – 13th November (Wk 7)
Certificate II in Building Construction, and Salon Assistant & Cert III in Make-up: |
Application for enrolment into either of the above HDSC Certificate programs please select the below SW Tafe hyperlink and follow the prompts via the APPLY NOW button .
It is important that you select the Hamilton District Skills Centre as your school location at all times when enrolling, NOT your home school. Please do not make any payments via this link. Your home school will advise you of fees required and these are to be paid directly to your home school. Application for enrolment/pre-training review and Literacy and Numeracy Test for Building and Hair & Beauty programs: https://shortcourses.swtafe.vic.edu.au/clients/swtafe-vet-dss/ |
Certificate II in Automotive, Cookery, Creative Industries, and Applied Digital Technologies |
Application for enrolment into any of the above Certificate programs please complete the hard copy enrolment form which is attached below. Please return this form to your home school administration office or directly to the HDSC administration office at 85 Mt Baimbridge Rd.
Alternatively you can email this form to: [email protected] HDSC Enrolment Form 2025 |